Wednesday, November 24, 2010

here goes nothing.

alright so check it out. this has been something i've wanted to put together for a while. this isn't going to be something to check out that is in any sort "flashy" or over done. i plan to keep this and simple and short as possible. im aware that there are a million fucking blogs on the internet that probably do this same concept so i guess this is my take on it. i plan to have interviews with current hardcore bands that i feel are important enough right now to mention, pressing issues that i think people should pay attention, new music plugs, my own shitty music reviews etc. im not an english scholar, there will be mistakes. there will be things that probably dont make sense. i guess thats your job to figure out what it is that im trying to say.

im going to start off with a little information with myself: my name is Joe. i reside in southern california. i've been going to punk/hardcore and metal shows since i was 12 years old. im straight edge. some of you know may know by the infamous @joeitalone in the twitter world AKA very opinionated and always right.

i hope you keep checking up on this thing and tell me what im doing wrong or right.

and yes, this blog title is inspired by the track from san francisco straight edge hero's known as Allegiance. enough about me, i'll post something worth reading within a few days i hope.



1 comment:

  1. "some of you know may know by the infamous @joeitalone in the twitter world AKA very opinionated and always right."

    hahaha you would
