today's band feature is Southern California's DARASUUM. they are a melodic hardcore band with various influences and a distinct sound that is not really been heard or "seen" in southern california as of late. they mix a perfect blend of metal influnced hardcore but not over doing it with huge stretched ears and flashy imagery. below is a interview i did with Gabe of DARASUUM.
ATW: whats up? who are you and what do you do in DARASUUM?
Gabe: haha i am Gabe and i handle all the vocals (never vokills) for Darasuum
ATW: right on, when i listen to Darasuum i hear hints of Comeback Kid, old Throwdown and other things i cant really put into words. what are some bands you think if kids were into, they'd respond well with you guys?
Gabe: um, its kind of hard too say. i like to think we mesh well with bands like Your Demise, Stick To Your Guns and The Ghost Inside but i also feel we're more metal than those bands. We're definitely not as positive as STYG or TGi but we have our moments. But i think we're all move the place musically that almost any fan of heavy music can get into us. We try to bridge that gap because hardcore and metalcore i suppose. we're all over the place.
ATW: i used to sing for a band, nothing compares to being in control of vocals. who are some huge influcences for you personally?
Gabe: i've always love Keith Barney in his Throwdown days and Rick Rodney from Strife. Lyrically i love Raybeez from Warzone. The first song off of Fight For Justice is fucking brilliant. Definitely kept it fucking real.
ATW: no joke, all perfect frontmen. You Dont Have To Be Blood to Be Family got me into hardcore, flawless record. what does Darasuum have coming up? long term goals?
Gabe: We have the EP being released on a label to be announced. After that we just have a short So. Cal run with Stick To Your Guns and Sleeping Giant. Then we do a couple shows with Loyal To The Grave immediately after. Then next year we just plan to get a avan and start touring our asses off. See what comes of this shit haha
ATW: that rules, stoked to hear it. im from the Inland Empire, you are and i know your band is proud to be. how important of a role does location play in a band in your opinion? I know damn well Darasuum wont be a southern california band to claim to be from LA when out of state haha
Gabe: oh, we definitely love the IE and are proud of it. There's IE bands who claim LA and i think its ridiculous. Its up to the bands to put their home towns on the map, not go claiming another city just because its more well known or because most bands came from there. People need to learn how to have more hometown pride.
ATW: could not agree more. what do you guys have released as of right now and where can we find it?
Gabe: we have a demo and an EP. both are available for free on our bandcamp at and people can find any other info from our website (yes a website!)
ATW: what would you want to see be acomplished? big or small with DARASUUM?
Gabe: i just want to fucking tour. i want to see the world and be able to say "i got to do all that by fucking screaming?". Thats my goal. I'm 25, not a kid anymore. This is my last chance to make this shit happen
ATW: perfect. any last words?
Gabe: download our shit. buy a shirt from Merch Connection and do the same for the other bands you kids dig. Support support support. And buy CDs if you have the extra money, kids!!! CD sales help bands tour and get on better tours.
Thanks Gabe!
and if you didnt read before, you can find everything on DARASUUM here.